Memory Problems, (What's this?) I recently built my first computer. A modest design running an Intel E6500 microprocessor. Since Windows XP is no longer supported I have been obliged to install Windows 7 Home 64-Bit. Frankly, I dislike it and wish I could stay with XP. One maddening thing, is that my computer has been crashing with fair frequency. The infamous Blue Screen Of Death. These BSOD's have been happening every one or two days. The crashes seem to be caused by a different failure every time. Maddening! My Event Log showed something called Error 41-63. There's a lot of stuff on the internet about this one, so it must be a common problem.
I Googled and a number of good Samaritans suggested removing the memory sticks, one by one, and isolate the fault that way. I discounted this since the computer had brand new memory and it seemed to work fine for days at a time. How could it be faulty memory? I'm accustomed to thinking of silicon based solid-state devices as failure-proof when used properly.
Very Good Memory, (What's this?) This memory upgrade is perfect for a low to mid range PC, and is well worth the money spent. If you are looking for a slightly higher end PC component go with PC2-8500 memory. But all around this memory package is very good.
sent the wrong item, (What's this?) I find that this is happening a lot to me. how can anyone mistake
2 gb of Memory for a Zip-lit with battery .
great!!, (What's this?) compatible with dell dimension e521 as long as you only use two in ddr2 slots two and four. the factory installed 512 mb ram should be snapped into ddr2 slots one and three.
Works well, no problems!, (What's this?) Unfortunately for those of us who have not made the upgrade to a new motherboard that supports DDR3, the price of DDR2 memory will still remain high. The PNY Optima 4G was one of the cheaper options I found while surfing around, with the highest ratings. Gave it a shot, and I was not disappointed. Plugged the modules in, and my DIY PC recognized them right away. Booted up with no problem, and I have been experiencing a much needed stress relief of memory usage. Brought me from pushing 70-90% memory usage down to about 30-40%. Feels nice. Would definitely recommend these modules.
product is not working, (What's this?) I start using means putting in the computer very late and its not working. so its waste product. Its too late s I cannot return it now.
New life for my computer, (What's this?) With the additional PNY ram for my desktop, I can finally take on some of the new
programs that I have been waiting to buy. Until now, there were often times that
I would have to wait to get the optimum speed to finish some projects.
It works of course, but you can do a bit better for a few more bucks., (What's this?) For a few more bucks, you can get the supposedly faster Corsair memory wich has enhanced heat dissipation (looks "cooler" too). Also, the free movie download that is described on the package didn't work (for what it's worth, and that's not much).
never got it, (What's this?) never got the item... so i dont know what to say about it ..... just think of this review as .01 out of 100 .01/100 that .
Very Satisfied, (What's this?) The memory board worked as expected and for $23 less than my local computer repair wanted. I will definitely order more computer parts through Amazon when necessary.

Helps prepare your PC for running Windows Vista.Memory capacity upgrade provides improved system performance and responsiveness.Easy installation, Free 24-hour Technical Support, and Lifetime Warranty!.Deliver all the productivity your PC has to offer with PNY Memory.Compatible with PC2-6400 (800 MHz), PC2-5300 (667 MHz), and PC2-4200 (533 MHz) systems..